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The company organized salesman to participate in military training!

To enhance the basic management, strengthen the organization discipline and strengthen team execution, further improve the first-line managers' quality and high efficiency of work style, organization of the company salesman to participate in military training on March 15, begin to divide into military camps, lots of each batch for seven-day closed military training.

The military training purpose is to let my company and grass-roots cadre own as soldiers treat, feel the army life, so as to enhance their comprehensive qualities and make good style, discipline, and harvest brought back into the usual work. On the training pitch command must obey, style must strictly, team must co-operate, executive must be rich, and these outstanding performance gene is "Enoch force" each cadre should have the basic quality.

In the camps can get people trained open, like Chinese characters, horizontal flat vertical, frankness is strong. In the camps no personal charm, only the force of unity. In the camps without any pride, only hard work.

Military training day though hard, but like coffee as can taste a thick taste. Let every trainee to deeply felt that the victory will come who have faith. Although only a short seven days, but honed everybody will, make spirit now looks grately different, everybody has a lot of harvest, in our future career has gained new pursuit and confidence, believe that will be in in the future work produce positive effects, in the future developing into everybody's strength and courage

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